Hand Therapy
Specialty certification in hand therapy was established in 1991 to recognize occupational therapists and physical therapists with advanced clinical knowledge, experience and skills in the practice of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation. There are over 6,500 Certified Hand Therapists worldwide (HTCC definition).

Custom Orthoses
Patients are often issued a prefabricated brace following their injury. This one-size-fits-all approach is not effective when attempting to provide the optimal joint protection and immobilization. Certified Hand Therapists have the skill and knowledge base to fabricate custom splints or braces. Due to the complexity of the upper extremity, custom fabricated bracing will provide superior results with healing and return to function.
Diagnoses Treated
- Amputations
- Central nervous system disorders as they relate to the upper quarter
- Congenital differences/anomalies
- Cumulative trauma disorders/repetitive stress injuries
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Flexor/extensor tendon injuries
- Fractures/dislocations/joint instabilities
- Infections
- Inflammatory and degenerative arthritis
- Multiple system trauma
- Nail bed injuries
- Pain-related syndromes
- Peripheral nerve compression and disease
- Peripheral nerve injuries
- Post-mastectomy/post-radiation lymphedema
- Psychogenic disorders involving the upper quarter
- Soft tissue injuries
- Thermal injuries
- Tumors and cysts
- Vascular disorders